Classical Chinese Poetry An Anthology is a groundbreaking collection of nearly five hundred poems that present the rich and far-reaching Chinese poetic tradition, spanning over three millennia -- from... 1500 BCE to 1200 CE. This comprehensive anthology is edited and translated by the renowned poet and translator David Hinton, who focuses on a relatively small number of poets, providing large selections to re-create each poet as a fully realized and unique voice.
Unlike earlier anthologies, Hinton's book introduces a readable history of Chinese poetry, voiced by a series of master poets, who innovated the tradition. With compelling introductions to each poet's work, Classical Chinese Poetry An Anthology reproduces some of the landmark poems that transformed modern poetry and riveted Ezra Pound, providing a rare and culturally important insight into Chinese culture.
From the classic texts of Chinese philosophy to intensely personal lyrics, love poems to startling and strange perspectives on nature, Hinton has collected an entire world of beauty and insight that was once only accessible to Chinese scholars. His eye-opening translations present a literature both radically new and entirely resonant, making Classical Chinese Poetry An Anthology refreshingly contemporary.
This outstanding collection is a must-read for anyone interested in Chinese philosophy, culture, or art. It is particularly valuable to poets and literary scholars, as it showcases the power and beauty of Chinese poetry throughout history, revealing its influential role in shaping world literature. Get your copy today and immerse yourself in a world of beauty and wisdom.
Poems of the Masters is a classic Chinese poetry anthology that has been studied and memorized for over eight centuries. This bilingual edition, translated by renowned translator Red Pine, offers a co...mplete text of the anthology for the first time ever in English.
The anthology features over one hundred poets, including some of China's most celebrated poets like Li Pai, Wang Wei, Tu Fu, Wang Po, and Ou-yang Hsiu. Compiled during the Sung dynasty, poetry became the defining measure of human relationships and understanding, and Poems of the Masters was an essential text during that era.
In his introduction, Red Pine writes about how poetry was everywhere during the T'ang and Sung dynasties, affecting every aspect of daily life. Social or ritual occasions, political or personal events were never considered complete without a few well-chosen words that reflected the complexities of the Chinese vision of reality and linked that vision with the beat of their hearts.
The poems in Poems of the Masters cover a range of themes, including loneliness, beauty, the consequences of political action, and the stillness of autumn. The anthology includes the Chinese originals, along with commentaries on imagery, various social conventions, and historical background that are essential for a full understanding of the texts.
This anthology is the perfect book for those who love and appreciate Chinese poetry, but it is also an excellent introduction to those who are unfamiliar with the genre. Red Pine's translations and accompanying notes make the poems accessible and intimate for a wider audience. This valuable text will help us appreciate the richness of poetic imagination and experience.
Chinese poetry is a rich and varied tradition that has been evolving for over two thousand years. The newly revised 2nd edition of "Chinese Poetry: An Anthology" is the ultimate resource for students ...and scholars of Chinese literature. This classic anthology features 150 poems that cover all major genres of Chinese poetry, including the Book of Songs, Tang poetry, and the chü form of the Yuan Dynasty.
The anthology is designed to enhance its reputation as the definitive introduction to Chinese poetry. It contains an introductory essay on issues of Chinese aesthetics, which addresses the challenges of translating Chinese works into English. This introduction is an essential text on the problems of translating Chinese poetry into English.
The uniqueness of this volume lies in its format. Each poem is printed with the original Chinese characters in calligraphic form, which adds to its beauty and authenticity. The characters are then coordinated with word-for-word annotations which further enhances the readers’ understanding of each poem. Finally, an English translation follows each poem. These masterful translations by Wai-lim Yip, a noted and honored translator and scholar, allow English readers to enter more easily into the dynamic of the original poems.
The anthology is divided into sections, and each section is introduced by a short essay on the mode or genre of poem that is about to be presented. Not only is this anthology great for those studying Chinese poetry, but it is also a comprehensive resource for literary enthusiasts. The volume concludes with a detailed bibliography, making it an essential resource for students and scholars alike.
Overall, the 2nd edition of "Chinese Poetry: An Anthology" is a must-have for anyone interested in Chinese literature. The revised version features corrections of over a century of distortion of classical Chinese by translators who were unconcerned with the intricacies and aesthetics of the Chinese language. This anthology is a definitive resource that captures the richness of the Chinese poetic tradition in its original form, thus making it an indispensable resource for students, scholars, and lovers of Chinese poetry.
The Great Age of Chinese Poetry: The High is a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the art of Chinese poetry during the Tang Dynasty. This Quirin Press Revised Edition provides the full origi...nal text of the book first published by Yale University Press in 1981. The older Wade-Giles transliteration has been fully updated and revised to the current Pinyin standard, and the book has been re-typeset and proofed for typographical errors and inconsistencies. Additionally, a new expanded index including Chinese characters has been added.
In The Great Age of Chinese Poetry: The High, author Stephen Owen offers an in-depth analysis of the poetry of the High Tang, which has been called the "apogee of all Chinese poetry." Owen takes a unique approach to understanding the poetry of this era, delving into the norms and relationships of the time to better understand the symbiotic relationship between major and lesser talents, and the overall literary tradition.
Instead of simply analyzing the poetry of famous poets like Wang Wei, Li Bai, and Du Fu, Owen brings the poetry of the High Tang to life as a self-conscious art form. He explores how this art form combined with a rekindling of China's poetic past to lead to a more personal mode of expression and individual voice, culminating in an unprecedented and dazzling efflorescence of the art.
The Great Age of Chinese Poetry: The High is perfect for those interested in Chinese poetry, poetics, history, and criticism. Furthermore, Stephen Owen's companion volume on the Early Tang is also available from Quirin Press, allowing readers to deepen their understanding of poetry from different eras within the Tang Dynasty. The book is available in paperback and can be found on along with extracts and further information.
Chinese Through Poetry An introduction to the language