At the Forefront of Lee's Invasion: Retribution, Plunder, and Clashing Cultures on Richard S. Ewell’s...
A Legal History of the Civil War and Reconstruction: A Nation of Rights (New Histories of American L...
Frederick Law Olmsted: Writings on Landscape, Culture, and Society (LOA #270) (Library of America)
Rebels on the Border: Civil War, Emancipation, and the Reconstruction of Kentucky and Missouri (Conflicting...
The Civil War on Hatteras: The Chicamacomico Affair and the Capture of the U.S. Gunboat Fanny (Civil...
The American Civil War Trivia Book: Interesting American Civil War Stories You Didn't Know (Trivia War...
Carpetbaggers, Cavalry, and the Ku Klux Klan: Exposing the Invisible Empire During Reconstruction (The...
The Impact of the Civil War and Reconstruction on Arkansas: Persistence in the Midst of Ruin
Mr. Lincoln's Brown Water Navy: The Mississippi Squadron (The American Crisis Series: Books on the Civil...